The page is growing very quickly lately and with it too...some issues. I'd like to address some of them here today.
First and foremost...please remember that this site and the Fb page too are my thoughts, my experiences and the things I did and still do today to help me manage my hurting life. I DO NOT expect that your experiences will be the same and I can respect the differences we may have...I ask that you also respect mine.
I don't swear at please don't swear at me. I've had to delete a few people this week because I had the immense desire to wash their mouth out with soap. I can appreciate you may not like everything I share here or on the Fb page...but do not swear at me please.
And please...I'm not here to tell you how to live your life...and I won't have all the answers...I'm not a doctor. I'm just like you and I hurt too. BUT I am here to challenge your thoughts, to encourage and empower you and I hope to share a laugh as well.
Learning to live with chronic pain and/or a chronic illness truly is a journey. It requires coping skills, it takes time, and it takes learning to care for our needs as we need them. We can't change that we hurt...but we can change what we do about it moving forward.
Thank you for sharing the journey with me! Please take good care of you