Hurting myself was how I coped. The pills helped too for a bit but then they didn't. Then they became my downfall. It's draining isn't it? To hide...from the world and from ourselves. Fighting to keep up a facade and to hide our secrets.
It's hard and our "shreds" are real. Shreds of who we were and want to be again. The relationships we've lost and hurt for. All the things we've walked away from because of our pain...including ourselves...there are shreds.
And as we look in the mirror we don't recognize ourselves anymore. The fog has rolled in and it has taken us with it. We feel trapped and our fears are looming. Do you recognize yourself? Are you adapting as well as well as you "should" be? Are you a prisoner in your own head?
"I have the key, it's right here at my fingertips" is a true and powerful sentence. The key to see you through this is and always has been...YOU! Maybe you don't know how or maybe you need help to unlock the cage you're in...but you know what? you don't have to rot! but you do have to take responsibility. You have choices to make to move you forward. You can either stay and rot or you can love yourself enough to ask for the help you need and you can love yourself enough to do what you can to help you through.
Accepting responsibility for your own life moving forward makes you strong, courageous, brave and so many other things too. Choose you?
take good care of you and please...unlock the cage...it's time to heal. Love and accept yourself for all you are...perfectly imperfect yet perfectly you.
Picture found at Abandonment Issues on Facebook...go check it out?