Have you ever had a bad flare day?
What does a bad flare day look like for you?
What do you do to nurture and care for yourself during a flare day?
If you've had a flare day you know how hard it can knock you on your duff. It can make your world come to a grinding halt and it can make your body hurt for days. A flare up is not your "normal" pain.
We never know from flare up to flare up what it will be like and how long it will last. What we do know is that we don't feel good. Pain is up...patience and functional ability is down. Just being able to breathe without hurting, is something I wish for during mine.
A bad flare day is now a part of our lives. It's something we need to prepare for and learn how to manage. What causes your pain to flare up? Is there even a cause or does it just seem to happen? I think that's one of the hardest parts of a flare up to accept... we don't always know what causes it or why.
Take the time to give thought to your flare ups. What can you do the next time one comes? What soothes your pain? Will you let the flare up just happen or will you take active steps to keep on top of it?
We will have bad flare days...that's a part of our pain now...please take good care of you the next time you experience one.