I could be out having a good time laughing and enjoying myself...and a single thought could cross my mind or I hear a comment...and I'm riding the wave. Do you ever ride the wave?
It took me some time to recognize this wave and to learn how to ride it...and survive it. How well do you ride the wave? Do you ever find yourself under it? It can happen sometimes but when we learn to recognize the signs...there are things we can do. There are!
For me? I noticed some of these thoughts came when I was trying on clothes. Finding things that fit my body isn't always easy and when I struggle...I can be hard on myself and it can trigger the wave. Whether I'm out shopping or even at home trying to find something to wear...I can admit I hate my body sometimes.
I also noticed these thoughts came when I couldn't do the things I wanted to do...like spend time with friends, to do the things I used to do with my daughter, to work again...I rode the wave of self hatred sometimes. When someone asked me what I do for a living...I wanted to just disappear. I was ashamed.
There are many things in life that can cause the wave...things that make us just want to disappear...but... for as many things that can cause this...there are things we can do for us to help us through it!
- don't believe everything you think! especially during the wave!
- for every negative thought you hold about yourself....say 5 positive things that you like and love about yourself - the goal here is not to beat yourself up for feeling the wave or the feelings that come with it! the goal here is to challenge the negative thoughts and feelings with the positive of who and what you are. You are more than you think! and more than you give yourself credit for! remind yourself of that okay?
- remember it's a wave...these feelings come and they go...but if you invite them to stay or give them too much thought...you'll be under the wave.
- focus on what you CAN do and not on what you can't do
- don't spend time fighting the wave or even yourself! learn to ride it by taking care of your thoughts, your needs, and your words too - the words you say to yourself or to others - our words have power...use them to help yourself instead of beating you up further
- reach out to someone you can trust and let them know how you're feeling - sometimes we need to be reminded of the good of who we are when we're swamped by the negative
- if you're struggling with this and these feelings control or interrupt your life...please speak to your doctor - feelings of depression are a part of the wave too and sometimes outside help is needed
- spend some time doing the things that make you smile and feel good, the things that allow you to soothe, nurture and calm your body, mind and needs - it's time to comfort yourself
Life is like wave...sometimes we're up and sometimes we're down...but it's what we do in between that matters most.
take good care of you okay?