I'm smiling because the warmer months are here and I've been able to enjoy some time out in my back yard working on some driftwood, I've gone for a few walks, and I'm really loving having my windows open and the furnace turned off. I've been daydreaming of days on the beach and I'm looking forward to BBQ's with friends.
What makes you smile? When was the last time you did something for you that made you feel good? that made you smile? that helped you to live beyond your pain? What does this for you?
It's easy to get lost in the negatives of a hurting life...BUT! it's up to us to find the things that make us feel good and it's up to us to spend the time doing these things. It's a healthy healing thing and it's something we can do for us...you just have to make the choice to choose you and your needs.
So...nosy me wants to know...what will you do for you this weekend to put a smile on your silly lil heart? What will you do to soothe, nurture and care for yourself so you can live beyond your pain? What will you do for you?
Happy Friday to you! and I hope your weekend treats you gentle and you do too! find some time for you okay?