When people are asking of your time and of your energy...how well do you say no?
Do you give and give and give of yourself only to find you worn out and feeling depleted?
And when you're tank is on empty...who takes care of you?
It's not easy to say no sometimes and depending on who is doing the asking...it can be down right impossible...right? right!
So...let's just be honest shall we?...no one likes hearing the word no and some of us feel guilty for even saying it...but...there are times when we need to say no...and we need to learn to be okay with it too.
Please give some thought to all the times you would've liked to say no...but said yes instead...why did you? why did you not just say no. Have you worried about how to say no without hurting feelings? I have too...and it's often why I say yes instead of the no I really feel.
Saying no and sticking to is takes practice...and it takes working on your guilt when you do say it. You have nothing to feel guilty for okay? Learning to say no allows us to set some boundaries too and that is a healthy healing goal when living with pain.
Take a look at the suggestions...are there any that you can incorporate into your life moving forward?
take good care of you and learn to say no...and be okay with it too! you need this and it's a healing goal for you moving forward...do it with love for yourself and your needs and your loved ones too...but say no! will ya huh? ;) it's okay!
the above meme was found on Anxiety and Depression Support Group original source is unknown