This is my first attempt at making something out driftwood. I still need to find a lamp shade and may even change the light post, but I'm pretty proud of what my Dad and I put together. It took me 3 days of sanding, scraping and sealing the piece and then Dad mounted it for me.
When my body is hurting and my mind needs some down time...there is nothing that helps me more than getting distracted by my creativity. To spend the past few days outside, with my music going and being able to use my tools...I had a great few days! and to have something like this to show for it...well that just feels good. (it makes the pain I feel worth it)
Some people work in their gardens, others go to their work shops, some head to the kitchen, and others to their tubs...and there are other places still...but where do you go when you need some time for you? What helps to keep your mind busy and off your pain? What can you do for you to help you when you need?
take good care of you and I hope you take some for you and your needs too....even the creative kind