I know I've said it...and I've had it said to me too...but you know what? Sometimes after a good night's rest...I do feel better. My pain isn't gone mind you...but I do feel better...especially if I haven't been sleeping well.
After a good night's rest...we feel more capable, we may even have more energy, we may have lower pain levels, we may be able to do "more". Sleep has its benefits for us! and there are many!
To wish someone to feel better after a good night's rest isn't a bad thing...at least I don't think so. It speaks to one word...HOPE! and even the smallest string is enough because you know what? sometimes we do feel better.
When someone wishes this for you...how do you respond? Would you agree that your response indicates your thoughts about your life and your pain?
When feeling and thinking in the negative of our pain or even the lack of sleep because of it...a simple comment of hope can bring a negative response. Alternatively though, if we're in a positive frame of mind with our pain...we would respond differently. Does how you feel impact how you think?
Give it some thought okay? How do you respond when feeling your pain? How do you respond when your pain is lower? Are they different? And it's not just physical pain either eh? It's the emotional and the mental too. Both can impact our sleep, our thoughts, our feelings, and it can all impact how we respond and communicate with those in our lives.
How we respond to others is a direct reflection of our own thoughts and feelings...and our own experiences too. If you're feeling negative...so will your responses be. Same goes for the good too! And how we respond to others when we're feeling our pain can impact the conversation and it can even stop it...preventing further attempts from those around us.
How we feel impacts our thoughts, and how we think impacts how we feel....and both impact how we communicate with those around us...how we hear their comments and how we respond.
Please...the next time someone says they hope you feel better after a good night's rest...be mindful of how you think, how you feel and how you respond.
take good care of you and I hope you feel better a good night's sleep
Picture found at Hypothyroid Mom on FB