I ask a lot questions I know and some can be pretty nosy...but you know what? I do it to get you thinking...and how we talk to ourselves is important. So...how do you talk to yourself? how do you answer yourself? Give it some thought okay?
Yesterday I had a busy day and it required a lot of moving when I really wasn't up to it and while I was out and about I noticed...I talk to myself an awful lot! but you know what? I need me to do this sometimes and I also noticed yesterday how my conversations with myself have changed over my journey.
What are the conversations you have with yourself like? Do any of them go like this....
Past: yeah I am and I hate this about my life! I wish things were different.
Now: yes I'm hurting...but I'm okay. It's a beautiful day and it feels good to get out of the house.
Thought: I don't think I can walk another step...
Past: I'm so sick of hurting all the time. I hate this. I hate my body. I'm not strong enough for this.
Now: Come on Tam...you're almost there and you can do it. You're almost home. Not much longer and you can sit down and relax. Come on Tam...you can do this. Focus on your music...one foot in front of the other. You can do this.
(and when I'm home...you did it Tam! you got a lot done today and it's something to feel good about. You got out of the house and now it's time to relax. Go take a bubble bath...you've earned it)
Thought: I have so much to do but I just don't feel like doing any of it.
Past: I used to be able to do so much in a day and it wouldn't it phase me...now just making my bed hurts.
Now: Do what you can and take the breaks when you need. It's okay! Put on some music...dance a little. When you're done...reward yourself with a little chocolate.
Thought: I used to be able to do more in my days than this.
Past: I want my old life back. I hate this. I don't want to hurt anymore.
Now: Okay Tam it's break time. I need a sit down cause I'm hurting. Take 15 and we'll go back at it. (OR) Ok so maybe I didn't finish my list... but I got some stuff done today and that's okay. I'll work on it more tomorrow. (OR) You did good girl! now take a break...it's time to stop...stretch, eat, relax. Do something for you now.
Thought: I am nothing that I used to be.
Past: I hate this. I want to be me again.
Now: I am more me now than I ever was and not everything about me changed. I am not who I was but I am who I am now and I'm proud of that! I've come a long way and I'm going further still.
These are just a few of the conversations I've had and still do have with myself...we talk a lot myself and I..but the point in sharing this with you is when we're thinking the negative about ourselves and our life...it impacts the way we talk to ourselves and it's up to us to change the tape playing in our heads when it's not helping us. It's up to us to change the words we use when we're talking to ourselves...we need to change!
Our conversations with ourselves need to be...
supportive not hurtful...
helpful not demeaning...
encouraging not beating ourselves up for things we can't change...
loving not hating
What do the conversations with yourself sound like? Do they help you? Do they heal you? Do they support and encourage you? How do they sound?
We have so many different conversations going on in our heads and with ourselves...and sometimes...we can be the most critical of ourselves too. If you don't like the tape that's playing in your head...will you change it? It's really up to you...but I hope you do.
take good care of you eh? and your thoughts too