Yesterday was some errands with Dad and after a terrible nights sleep (from all the walking of course and my rambling mind that kept me up too), I needed a nap when I came home. Slept a solid four hours (guess I needed it). I had a relaxing night for the most part and even managed to get some laundry and dishes done too.
I'm sharing this with you for a reason...sometimes we just need a break...sometimes we just need to do the things we need for us to feel good. Did I mention I had a bubble bath and some chocolate too? Well I did. I did the things I needed for me. And you know what? it's okay. It's okay to take a break. It's okay to indulge your's okay.
I went to bed feeling in a funk and woke up feeling like I'm in a funk still. I'm not sure if it's the pain from the pond and the walking...or the pain in my thoughts have been a little unkind lately and I'm entertaining them far longer than I should be. My birthday was hard for me this year and I've not handled it well.
Are you human too? If you have ever felt this way...what do you do for you while you're in the fog? What do you need from those around you? How do you tell them or do you? Are you scared of what they will think? Do you think they will think less of you? Yeah I know the feeling...I do too. I think this is what keeps us quiet some days.
When your past is living with your careful which one you're spending the most time in okay? Our past is not our present.
Take good care of you eh?