We distance ourselves from people all the time...even our closest friends and family...and we do it for many different reasons. What are yours? Why do you distance yourself?
The most common reasons why we distance ourselves I think, is that we're feeling hurt. Or maybe it's a trust thing for you? Or maybe you just reach your maximum level of people interaction and you need a break? Is that true for you? What makes you distance yourself?
When we distance ourselves it can be a healing thing at times...but it can also cause us to lose relationships. Has this happened to you too? Or was that what you wanted to happen? Have the phone calls and invites stopped yet? Are your friends still coming by? There are downfalls when we distance ourselves.
Needing the time away to gather yourself and your thoughts is a human thing...we need some distance at times. Distancing ourselves can be a healing thing...just don't forget to rejoin your life again okay?
take good care of you