What did you think about when you read this? Did you remember the last time you said "that's it! I'm done!"? Did you remember the feeling of weariness...of feeling broken?...of needing to simply rest your hurting self...your mind, body and spirit?
I'll admit it...I thought to my last time and it wasn't that long ago either. I said I was done, that I would never again...I drew a line. But you know what? I'm not done! I just needed to rest a bit...I needed to lick my wounds, I needed to gather my strengths again...I needed to rest and nourish my soul.
To say never again, to say you're done with it all because you're tired of being knocked down...it makes you human...and you are beautifully human! But to feel this way? it's okay...even needed at times too. And then? well...then one day, you wake up ready...to love again, to try again, to believe again, to dream again. THAT is the human soul reborn...it just takes time.
Please take good care of you and surround yourself with good friends, beautiful music, a quiet place, your writing, your art...the things that help to heal your soul...take the time for you.
Thank you Nauiscaa Twila for your inspirational feel good words! (check her out on Facebook)