I just wanted to pop in here and say I'm fine and healing okay...though sleeping a lot. The surgery seems to have gone fine and I will know more next month when I see the doc for the follow-up. Considering all my fears prior to the surgery I think I'm fairing a lot better than I thought I would be. Although I'm still numb and swollen and it hurts when I eat, there doesn't seem to be any paralysis or drooping face muscles.
The stitches come out in five days and then I'll see what kind of scar I'll be left with. When I look in the mirror the word Frankenstein comes to mind...but one thing that also comes to mind is that this is yet another scar to prove I survived whatever tried to bring me down...and that is how I am choosing to look at it. I won't hide the scar in shame and it won't stop me from putting my hair up again either...I will not hide.
Thank you for all the thoughts, wishes and prayers! they mean a lot and I do believe they're working too.
I'll be back again soon but until then....
please take good care of you