was your week? Did you find the time to do what you needed for you? You know...the things that make you smile and feel good to be you...the things that help soothe your pain...emotionally, mentally and physically....what did you do for you?
I hope your week was a gentle one for you but if it wasn't...I hope you'll take some time this weekend to do what you need for you.
Pain is now a part of our lives and we can't change that...but we can learn how to soothe ourselves when we need it. What soothes your pain? What makes you smile and feel good? What soothes your emotions? And do any of these leave scars behind? be honest with yourself okay? and if they do...give thought too to what you can do to change that moving forward. What we do for us can't leave scars behind.
I hope you have a great weekend and please...go do something that makes you feel good to be you and if it causes you more pain...give yourself the time to relax, unwind, and heal.
take good care of you