The kids have gone back to school here and the days are quiet again. It's getting darker earlier and the nights are cooler...summer is almost done. A part of me is sad to say good bye to the warm days (I just don't like the cold) but I'm also looking forward to seeing the colours of fall. It's a truly breathtaking view.
So...we most likely won't be getting many more warm weekends...have you made your summer memories yet? Have you done the things you wanted to do? There is still time if you're saying no and I hope you'll take the time and the chance this weekend to make a few more the things that make you smile.
But what if your week has a been a week and you need the time to relax and unwind?...well...I hope you will do that too. Take the time to soothe your needs and take care of yourself. It's not selfish and it doesn't make you means you love yourself enough to let you heal.
Live beyond your pain when you can but when you have to...give yourself the time to heal. It's not always easy to find a balance in our lives but we cant' let our pain dictate how we live. Do what you can as you're able and be okay with the days when you're not. Live when you can and heal when you need...find your balance.
take good care of you eh? and have a great weekend
picture taken on the favourite thinking spot