When we learn what soothes and helps us to cope...we can learn to manage our pain instead of our pain managing us.
What soothes your pain? emotionally... mentally and physically too? what makes you smile? what helps you to live beyond your pain? what can you do for you?
I ask a lot of questions I know and some personal ones too...but I do it to get you thinking about you and your life. You can't change that you're hurting but you can change what you do for you when you are.
Give some thought to your needs...emotionally, mentally, and physically too...what do you need right now? Well? now that you know what you need and what would make you feel good...go do that! allow yourself to live beyond your pain...allow yourself to love you enough to do something that will make you smile...that will make you feel good...love yourself enough! just do it without leaving scars behind okay?
Happy Friday to you! I hope your weekend treats you gentle and you do too