I ask a lot of questions on Fridays but you know what? I do it to get you thinking about you. And you know what else? You don't have to wait till Friday comes before you take the time for you. NOPE! You can do this any day of the week! But you have to make the time.
And curious me wants to know...what have you done for you lately?
We can't change that we hurt...but we change what we do about it. We can change how we think about our pain...respond to and nurture our own needs...there are things we can do for us.
What have you done for you lately? When will you make the time for you and your needs? What can you do for you moving forward to accept and love yourself for all that you are (including your pain too)?
I hope you have a great weekend and please...find some time for you and your needs...it's a healing feel good thing and you need this!