When asked how your day was...do you ever respond....same sh*t different day? or maybe you say...it's was just like every other day?
Now the next questions I have are...
Would you agree that what you say is a reflection of your attitude towards your life?
If you viewed your day and the happenings within it differently...could your response change?
What about if you took the time to notice and appreciate how bright the sun shines? Or how the birds sing? What if you took the time to notice and appreciate all the different moments in your life...even the little things too? Could the things you think about during your day...impact how you feel about it? What about how you feel about yourself?
If all the gnawing you've been doing hasn't changed things...and you're still feeling weary from it all...try something different...and let it begin with you and your thoughts.
take good care of you eh?