With the sea within reach
The sand between her toes
She reflected on her highs and lows
The beach was a special place
Where no one knew her face
A personal space to sit and ponder
To marvel at the world in all its great wonder
Much sadness inside was tearing at her heart
At times it felt like she was falling apart
Brain fog days could come and go
In advance though she would never know
It was like her brain had a disease
However she was stronger than even she knew
As she looked out on that beautiful view
She was a water baby and this place was her goal
A day at the beach to rejuvenate her soul
She just wanted to forget her pain
To watch a storm and sit in the rain
The breeze got stronger and the sky went gray
The waves were bigger and the palms did sway
She heard thunder and saw flashes of lightning
For her it charged her spirit and was not frightening
It started to rain and she felt so free
This truly magical location filled her with glee
It was the perfect day because her wishes came true
As at the beginning of the day she was feeling so blue
~~Geoff Roden~~
This piece was written for me by a friend and I don't think I've ever seen myself so poetically explored or explained. This piece moves me to the good tears and it's accuracy is somewhat chilling too. I am a water baby and my days spent at the beach are very much like this.