My body gave me no choice this week and I had to take some time for me...little bits throughout my days to keep me going and to get me through...how about you?
Did you take the time to soothe your needs?
Did you take the time to soothe your body?
Did you take the time to soothe your mind?
Did you take the time?
If you haven't yet...when will you and what will you do for you? What can you do to make you smile? What can you do to help you heal? What can you do to make you feel good? What can you do for you?
We can't change that we hurt...but...we can change how we help and allow ourselves to heal, how we soothe our minds and our bodies...we can change some things and it's starts with us...believing we're worth the effort...and you are! (just to remind you)
Please...take good care of you and your needs too and go do something to soothe and care for yourself. Love yourself enough to do what you need for you.
Happy Friday to you and I hope you have good weekend.
Picture found at What? You Too? on Fb - go check the page out