Maybe it was to do with your pain...maybe it was leaving a situation or relationship that was not good for you...maybe it was breaking free from all the things you were "told" you were. What is that moment for you in your life? When have you broken free?
Sometimes I think we stand still because we're not sure what to do or which way to go. When we're carrying a load of guilt and/or shame. It can happen when we're scared and even when we question our own worth.
I think it can also happen when we're not sure we really want to make certain changes in our lives...or maybe it's when we're deciding what we can do to make us "happier", healthier...or whatever it is we're wanting to work on or are wanting different in our lives...it's about change sometimes isn't it?
It can be scary to break free out of your comfort zone...to create something different. And sometimes that fear can keep us standing still. If you're wanting something different for you moving forward...standing still won't get you there...but breaking free just might.
I hope that if standing still feels scarier to you right now...that you have courage to break free and do what you need for you moving forward.