yeah....I've got three baskets waiting
Well...the weekend is going by faster than I'd like and Tuesday is coming sooner than I'm emotionally and physically prepared for...but...I'm ready...I think. I haven't given many details about my surgery but many have asked. I have a mass that is millimeters from my brain and it's time it comes out. Yes...I'm thankful it's something that can be removed and even more thankful still that it's not thought to be cancerous...but...I'm scared. There are risks to this surgery and I'm hoping, wishing and praying, that I come out okay. The surgery is 3 hours long and I'll be coming home to my parents afterwards if all goes well. I'll take some time to heal and then I'll be back as "normal" (because what is normal anyway?) While I'm healing, the website will be quiet and the Facebook page will be too. I haven't asked anyone to post for me but my daughter will leave a message letting you know how the surgery went. I'll be back when I can be and I hope you'll stick with me. Thank you for all the whispered prayers, the kind and supportive messages, and the pictures to help me find my smile and hope again...thank you! it means the world to me. Please take good care of you and each other...and I'll see you again soon Tammy It is important to live each day with a positive perspective. It is not wise to pretend problems do not exist, but it is wise to look beyond the problem to the possibilities that are in it. When Goliath came against the Israelites, the soldiers all thought, 'He's so big, we can never kill him' But David looked at the same giant and thought, 'He is so big, I can't miss him. ~~Dale Turner~~ Picture of Niagara Falls taken by a friend Pam T. We made it through another's Friday! How are you doing? Did you need your coping skills this week? I did too...I needed them a lot. It's been one of those weeks for me with my surgery coming up (4 days away) and I've been getting ready for it. This week I've had to slow my thoughts and I even had to make a strong effort to change a few. I needed me this week. Have you needed your coping skills this week? What did you turn to? How did you soothe and comfort yourself? If you didn't make the time for you and your needs this week...when will you? It's the first weekend of the new Fall season...what are you going to do to enjoy it? How can you help to prepare for and even manage your pain so you can be as active as you're able? What will you do for you? take good care of you please and I hope you have a great weekend Tammy If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. ~~Thomas Edison~~ picture taken by my daughter Emily at Grand Bend ON. red flag day at the beach This was shared with me in a private message and I just love I'm sharing it here today. I hope your day treats you gentle and you do too When life is a hurting one...we aren't as active as we'd like to be and we may even have a love-hate relationship with food causing us to experience weight that true for you too? Are you carrying more weight than you should be? Personal question I know but only you know the truth...and if you're saying yes...what can you do about it now moving forward?
I'd like to share an article with you regarding obesity but I would argue that it's more deadly for men than women. Obesity in and of it's self is a dangerous thing for anyone...regardless of the sex or age. And yes...even some of our children are obese and struggling. There are some real health concerns if you're carrying extra weight with you and there are some real health benefits to losing some too. Do you need to lose weight? Are you as active as you'd like to be? These are just two questions I hope you will talk to your doctor about at your next appointment. Please keep in mind that this article is shared for your personal entertainment and is not meant to take the place of direct medical care. If you have any questions about what you read here...please talk to your doctor and/or treatment team. There is no such thing as a simple act of compassion or an inconsequential act of service. Everything we do for another person has infinite consequences. Every action give rise to a ripple effect, just as a pebble that is tossed into a pond sends out wave after wave, widening and covering more and more space. Everything we do and say matters. Period. This is why Buddhists and Hindus, indeed all the great spiritual traditions, teach the importance of mindfulness in speech and attention to behavior, because of the limitless, unforeseen effects of our every action and word. Even our thoughts have a force and power about which we have to careful. ~~Caroline Myss~~ this is a picture I took when I ran away to the park...I had a little buddy for the day | living life with chronic pain...doing the best I can with everyday. Categories
August 2020