I do apologize for any changes they have made that may affect how you view or access further items on the page. I will do my best to make this transition easier and I hope you will be patient with me.
Have a good day.
​tips, tools, and strategies
to living life with chronic pain
Well I came on the website today and have found that the provider has changed things for how I post and categorize the entries here on the website. I'm not impressed at all with what Weebly has done here and I will need sometime to work this through and figure it out.
I do apologize for any changes they have made that may affect how you view or access further items on the page. I will do my best to make this transition easier and I hope you will be patient with me. Have a good day. Tammy
![]() Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now. ~~Gary Zukav~~ Picture taken on the Pond, Dorchester, ON A little while ago I posted RANT regarding the drug Ketamine. Today I would like to share an article regarding Ketamine and it's use towards treating depression. This is an informative article although a long one, and I hope you will find it an informative read.
****Please also keep in mind that by sharing this article I am in no way supporting this treatment. I am providing it for your "entertainment" and information only. If you have questions about Ketamine or this article, please speak to your individual treatment team, family physician and/or pharmacist. **** By Matt McMillen WebMD Health News Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD Sept. 23, 2014 -- Every year, 13 million to 14 million Americans havemajor depression. Of those who seek treatment, 30% to 40% will not get better or fully recover with standard antidepressants. That puts them at greater risk of alcohol and drug abuse, hospitalization, and suicide attempts. Now, though, a growing body of research shows there may be new hope: the anesthetic drug ketamine. Ketamine has a reputation as an illicit party drug due to its hallucinogenic effects. But in a handful of ketamine clinics around the country, people who weren't helped by standard treatments are getting a series of infusions to ease their depression. The drug has also been used in emergency rooms for curbing suicidal thoughts, making it a potential lifesaver. “The benefits I’ve seen are pretty impressive, and the data are very strong,” says psychiatrist Kyle Lapidus, MD, PhD. He's an assistant professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Stony Brook University. Lapidus says there have been a large number of positive studies, though the number of participants in those studies has been small. Ketamine acts quickly -- often within hours or less -- and health care professionals who give it to patients at therapeutic doses say it has mild and brief side effects in most people. But it hasn't been thoroughly studied for long-term safety and effectiveness, and the FDA hasn't approved it to treat depression. “The pace of research can be slow for people who are suffering,” Lapidus says. Before we get to the medication I need to remind you...
For this installment, I have chosen Ambien GENERIC NAME(S): ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE Uses: Zolpidem is used to treat sleep problems (insomnia) in adults. If you have trouble falling asleep, it helps you fall asleep faster, so you can get a better night's rest. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. **Please read this information carefully** If you have any questions about what is provided here....talk with your doctor or pharmacist please. ![]() The world is just an illusion of the images you hold in your head. Hold on to the images of your dreams and the illusion of your dreams becomes your reality. ~~Stanley Dawejko Jr.~~ Picture taken on the Pond...Dorchester, ON Yesterday was a very busy day for me and today I'm feeling the left over effects of my activities. I'm taking the day for me to do what I need to feel better.
Before I go I would like to ask you something though...have you ever done something that although may have caused you to feel more pain than "normal", you can still smile through the pain because you did something to earn it? It's an odd question I know but think about it a second... I've come to the conclusion that I will live with pain every day for the rest of my life, I can't avoid that. But I have also concluded that I would much rather hurt for doing something that makes me smile and enjoy my life than hurting just because that's the way life is now. Don't hide from what makes you smile, or what helps you to live beyond your pain...seek it out! and then take a ME day to recover...live for you and not your pain. take good care of you ![]() Today we believe God wants you to know that you will find the wisest teacher within yourself. Do not rely overly on others for your answers. Seek the wisdom within the kingdom of your heart. Picture taken on the pond If you could have your family and friends understand one thing about what it's like for you living with chronic pain..what would you like them to know about you?
Give it some thought..what do you need them to know? what would you tell your friends and family if you had their attention? We often say those around us "just don't understand"...sometimes too though I wonder if the message we communicate to those around us is clear. I don't know about you but there are times when it's hard for me to put what I feel into the appropriate words...do you ever struggle with this too? If you do..give this some thought...if we can't communicate clearly so that our friends and loved ones can understand.... how can we possibly expect them to understand us? HUH!?! do you see where this is going now? At times, our loved ones' misunderstanding of our pain can be caused by our inability to communicate effectively. Sometimes our pain can be so high and in the forefront of our minds that our language skills seem to go out the window..ever notice that? For someone who talks a lot..I can often struggle to put a sentence together when my brain and body is swamped in pain. Give it some thought...how well do you communicate when you're hurting? So the next time you're feeling like someone just doesn't understand and before you get upset...ask yourself...how well are you communicating how and what you're feeling? What words are you using to convey your message? What do you need from the person you're talking to? Better communication on our parts can lead to better understanding on the parts of our family & friends. take good care of you and each other Well if you check the temps today you may be surprised. For the first weekend of the fall season we're into temps that feel like summer. Does it give you any ideas? It gives me a few!
I usually ask this on the weekends and today is no different...what are you doing this weekend to allow you to live beyond your pain? What can you do to care for and nurture your needs emotionally, mentally and physically? Is today a ME day?...what are your plans? I hope by visiting the site and the various categories available, you are learning ways to plan and prepare for your pain and to live beyond it. We live with pain now...that's life...BUT...we still have a life to live! Are you living with your pain or is your pain living with you? It's a question I've asked here frequently and I'm asking it again...give it some thought now if you don't mind.... Are you living with your pain or is your pain living with you? I hope you find the answer this weekend and do something that allows you to live beyond your pain...even if only for a little while...do something that makes you feel good about being you. Take good care of you and have a great weekend! Tammy |
Tammy...is living life with chronic pain...doing the best I can with everyday. Categories
August 2020