I usually ask this on the weekends and today is no different...what are you doing this weekend to allow you to live beyond your pain? What can you do to care for and nurture your needs emotionally, mentally and physically? Is today a ME day?...what are your plans?
I hope by visiting the site and the various categories available, you are learning ways to plan and prepare for your pain and to live beyond it. We live with pain now...that's life...BUT...we still have a life to live! Are you living with your pain or is your pain living with you? It's a question I've asked here frequently and I'm asking it again...give it some thought now if you don't mind....
Are you living with your pain or is your pain living with you?
I hope you find the answer this weekend and do something that allows you to live beyond your pain...even if only for a little while...do something that makes you feel good about being you.
Take good care of you and have a great weekend!