I'm waiting! impatiently ;)
tips, tools, and strategies
to living life with chronic pain
![]() You know this is true...it feels good to laugh. Even the belly grabbing...going to pee your pants if you don't stop...where you can't breathe anymore...and your side hurts...and tears are streaming down your face... laughter feels good. Even when someone snorts because they're laughing so hard...it's funny...and it makes you laugh even more doesn't it? Being able to have a good laugh...even when at our own expense sometimes...can make us feel good. There are real and true benefits to having a good laugh...it's a feel good thing! and there is no reason not to. ![]() The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones. ~~Unknown~~ Picture taken in Collingwood, ON ![]() Well here we are again...it's Friday! These questions are not new and I ask them every week... what will you do this weekend for you? what will you do to soothe your pain? emotionally, mentally and physically...what will you do for you? what soothes you? what makes you smile and feel good about being you? what helps you to prepare for and manage your pain so you can be as active and present in your life as you'd like to be? Now my next question....will you make and take the time you need for you? It's a healing thing to soothe and care for ourselves as we go through our days. It's not selfish! It's actually one of the most self-loving things you can do for you...to soothe yourself...to attend to your needs. It doesn't make you lazy either if you need to take a day to do nothing but to recover. Whatever you may choose to do this weekend...please do find some time that is just for you...time to care for yourself. YOU NEED THIS! take good care of you and I hope your weekend treats you well ![]() When you're feeling angry...how do you handle it? What do you say to yourself? The words we use when we're feeling our emotions can either empower us or they can bury us. Yes...anger is an emotion...and not a comfortable one. How do you handle it?...or does your anger handle you? How does your body feel when you're angry? Do you feel hot? Is your heart pounding? Do you feel scared? Give thought to how your body responds to this emotion. When you're feeling angry...would you say you're thinking or reacting? If you're like most people you react first and think after. Now I'm not saying you respond this way all the time...but it happens...doesn't it? What words do you use when you're feeling angry? How do you talk to you? How do you talk to others? ![]() You can't really begin to appreciate life until it has knocked you down a few times. You can't really begin to appreciate love until your heart has been broken. And you can't really begin to appreciate happiness until you've known sadness. Once you've walked through the valley, the view from the mountain top is breathtaking. ~~Susan Gale~~ Bell Island Newfoundland...my heritage ![]() Oh what a year this has been :) with stumbles and falls along the way...the website reaches it's first year thank you for being a part of it! ![]() I'm not sure what to call it...either a birthday or an anniversary...but one year ago today this website was started. The website has come a long way and I can't say thank you enough for being here. Thank you for being a part of my journey and for allowing me to be a part of yours. It hasn't been an easy road here but one thing I can say for sure is that this website has become more than I ever thought possible and more than what I had originally planned for it. I started this website as a way to promote a program that I wrote for people like us. I had planned on putting pieces of the book here to allow people to see what it was all about but I never planned to be here daily writing and sharing with you. The website grew beyond my intentions...but I'm glad it did. |
Tammy...is living life with chronic pain...doing the best I can with everyday. Categories
August 2020