I can relate today...but yeah!
what a way to go.
tips, tools, and strategies
to living life with chronic pain
Do you ever have a day where you're exhausted, hurting, and needing a break? Perhaps it's the "day after you did stuff day"...a day when even your coping skills still leave you needing. Well...I call those the write off days...days when I'm lucky I can even remember my own name kinda days...and today is one of them for me.
I had a busy day yesterday and Wednesday was too. My tired is tired and my brain has left on vacation without me...again! Has your brain ever left for a vacation without you? If so...what do you do for you when it does? Do you support yourself through it or do you beat yourself up for feeling this way? What do you do? How do you help yourself? We can't change that there will be some days when we'll find ourselves on our butts and under our pain because of what we did one day. It's going to happen! BUT and it's a big one!!...even when you're hurting because you had a busy day and that's why you're on your butt the day after...DO NOT beat yourself up for that. It's normal to take advantage of the "good" days...but it is not normal, nor is it healthy or healing...to beat yourself up for the pain you feel because of it. It's normal to have good days, it's normal to abuse them... it should NOT be normal to beat yourself up for it. It should BE normal though...to learn to care for and support yourself through these days instead. When you have a write off day...what do you normally do for you? What could you do differently now moving forward? I hope the way you talk to and support yourself is healthy and healing for you. Take good care of you and your needs too For the love of dogs IT'S FRIDAY!! How was your week? What did you do for you to soothe, care for and nurture your needs? What did you do for you? I ask this question every Friday but you know what? You don't have to wait till Friday to take care of your needs...nope! You can do it when and wherever you need and choose to...you can do it for you. What makes you smile? What makes you feel good? What helps you to enjoy your life? What helps you to heal your pain? mentally, emotionally and physically too...what helps you? We can't change that we're living a hurting life...but we can change how we live it! And learning to care for and nurture our own needs is a step in the right direction. I hope your weekend treats you well and you do too! Take some time for you and your needs and go do something that makes you feel good. Take good care of you eh? You have this one life. How do you wanna spend it? Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Dieting? Running after people who don't see you? Be brave. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud. ~~Beardsley Jones~~ Picture taken by my daughter Emily at the Pinery. Have you ever tried grounding exercises? Whether you're living with PTSD, anxiety or depression.... grounding exercises can make a big difference in your "episodes". It's true! what you do for you when feeling your emotional and/or mental pain...makes a big difference! What you do for you...can either see you under your pain or it can see you through it. What do you do for you? When you're feeling triggered? When you're feeling anxious? When you're feeling depressed? What do you do for you? Having a plan for our feelings is big step. Learning what our triggers are, learning how to manage and to support ourselves through them...is possible. And when we learn to ground ourselves...we are learning to help ourselves. The next time you're feeling anxious, triggered, or even your depression... give thought to what you can do for you to help you through. What keeps you present? What soothes your body? How do you talk to you? (just a few more things to consider) There are things that can and will help...I guess my question now is...will you love yourself enough to do what you need to help you through? And will you do it without leaving scars behind? We do have a choice and it's ours to make...I just hope you choose to help yourself instead. Please... take good care of you eh? Meme found at HighAnxieties.org Connecting with yourself and knowing yourself is a monumental and life changing event. Loneliness and desperation are only possible when we have lost touch with our beauty within. Once you connect with yourself, it is impossible to be lonely or desperate. ~~Bryant McGill~~ Picture taken at the Pinery. As she stands in front of her mirror and looks over her body...thoughts go tumbling through her mind. With a critical eye, she counts off her flaws. She knows them well and can be quite critical of herself. The skin that sags, that wrinkles and hangs, the scars from her actions, and from other things that have happened too. The lop sided happy face where her daughter was born from, the many surgeries she's had. Her body has paid a price.
For years she battled her weight and she heard some hurtful things from the people who were supposed to love her unconditionally and she came to hate her body and everything about herself. All the words she heard had left their mark and she took them on to be the truths of who she is. But one thing she failed to see was that their words said more about who they were than who she was. She used to hide from the mirrors in the stores and those at home too but now when she sees herself... her thoughts have begun to change. She challenges the voices in her head that told her she was not good enough, that no one could love her. She is lovable...even if only to herself. And now as she stands in front of her mirror, she begins to see beyond the saggy skin to the goal she achieved. She can see beyond the scars to the place where her world changed the day her daughter was born. Her body had become a home. Her body had given life. Her body was magical and it was okay to love herself. It was okay to accept herself...even her flaws too. Not only was it okay...but it was time. |
Tammy...is living life with chronic pain...doing the best I can with everyday. Categories
August 2020