I had a busy day yesterday and Wednesday was too. My tired is tired and my brain has left on vacation without me...again! Has your brain ever left for a vacation without you? If so...what do you do for you when it does? Do you support yourself through it or do you beat yourself up for feeling this way? What do you do? How do you help yourself?
We can't change that there will be some days when we'll find ourselves on our butts and under our pain because of what we did one day. It's going to happen! BUT and it's a big one!!...even when you're hurting because you had a busy day and that's why you're on your butt the day after...DO NOT beat yourself up for that.
It's normal to take advantage of the "good" days...but it is not normal, nor is it healthy or healing...to beat yourself up for the pain you feel because of it. It's normal to have good days, it's normal to abuse them... it should NOT be normal to beat yourself up for it. It should BE normal though...to learn to care for and support yourself through these days instead.
When you have a write off day...what do you normally do for you? What could you do differently now moving forward? I hope the way you talk to and support yourself is healthy and healing for you.
Take good care of you and your needs too