HA! yeah
tips, tools, and strategies
to living life with chronic pain
Do you ever experience stomach or digestive problems? Have you tried changing your diet to manage it? What causes the stomach upset? Do you ever experience heartburn? Are your bowel movements "regular"? Personal questions I know but please do give them some thought.
From an improper diet to taking certain medications, to even some medical conditions...stomach and digestive problems are a real concern for some. Are you one of them? Does your stomach or digestive problems dictate what you eat? Do you know what you can do to help manage that? Would you change your food intake to help yourself? more questions I know but do give them some thought okay? Today I'd like to share some information about how you may find relief for ordinary stomach and digestive problems. Now please keep in mind that this information is shared for your personal entertainment and information only and is NOT meant to take the place of direct qualified medical care. To experience the odd bout of stomach upset or digestive problems is normal...but...if you find these issues are impacting your ability day to day...please speak to your doctor. ![]() Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. ~~Lucille Ball~~ Picture taken in Collingwood, ON **content warning - emotional and triggering** please read with caution and understanding please
When I was first injured and for many years after, I heard...there is nothing wrong with you...you are not broken. Although I knew I wasn't broken, I knew I wasn't "right" either. I knew something had changed and my body was different. Trying to get someone to understand that though was very difficult. It took many years before the answers came in and when they did? I cracked! Even though I wanted to know...I really didn't. It took almost 5 years before the answers came in. I had seen many doctors, I had had many tests, I had tried more medications than my mind can remember (it makes my stomach drop at the thought in remembrance of what I went through)...it was a helluva time for me. But I kept after the answers...I knew there was something just not right anymore. The first report documenting my back left me shaking. Reading what my prognosis was...left me crying. My job was gone, my career with it too. As much as I wanted to know...as much as I pushed for these tests...I didn't want to hear the answers anymore. I thought I was prepared but I wasn't and I'll admit I lost a piece of me that day. Yesterday I shared an article about what a gluten-free diet is...after reading it, did you wonder if maybe you needed to start one? And if you're living on a gluten-free diet...are you really someone who needs to be? If so...maybe this article can help answer some questions.
Now please keep in mind this information is shared for your personal entertainment only and is not meant to take the place of direct medical care. If you have questions about what you read here please talk to your doctor and/or treatment team. ![]() You may have to try a thousand different ways to make it work before you find the one way that works for you. There may be long pauses between your best and brilliant moments, where it all just seems cloudy. Looking back at all you had planned, you may find you are not even close to where you thought you would be. But it is happening; this life of yours. What works for you is good enough. Those long pauses may be some of your sweetest moments. Your journey may have taken an unexpected turn or two, but it took you directly to who you are today. It all added up to something after all — to you becoming you. Be patient with life and with yourself, and remember, you can always hold out for something better when you know your self-worth. ~~Bryant McGill~~ Picture drawn by my daughter Emily Getting crafty and creative has been one of the most healing things I have found to help me block out the pain I feel each day. When my mind is occupied doing something like this, I can almost "forget" that I'm hurting. I know I'm hurting, but when my mind is busy...my pain is not in the forefront of my thoughts... what I'm working on is.
I share this with you to encourage you to find the things that help you to block your pain (even if for only a little while). what helps you? Is it being in your garden? Is it colouring? Knitting perhaps? Baking or cooking? What does this for you? Do you find peace in your workshop? Where do you find it and how often do you allow yourself to go there? There are things we can do to help ourselves learn to manage our pain...what helps you? There is a lot of talk about a gluten-free diet and how it can help minimize pain. Have you ever considered this diet? Has your doctor ever suggested that maybe you should avoid gluten? Do you know what a gluten-free diet entails? I know I have questions.
From avoiding the cramps, bloating, stomach aches and more that come with some gluten products... many people are exploring this diet option. Are you one of them? I don't have celiac disease nor gluten allergies...but I do notice a difference in my body when I eat it...the cramps and bloating are painful and the gas? it's bad! So...I lowered my intake and I lost some weight as well. Today I'd like to share some information on what exactly a gluten-free diet is. Please keep in mind that this information is shared for your personal use and entertainment only and if you have any questions about what you read here...please talk to your doctor. |
Tammy...is living life with chronic pain...doing the best I can with everyday. Categories
August 2020