tips, tools, and strategies
to living life with chronic pain
**language warning...please read with caution** one of them needs their mouth washed out?
Oh my...this hurts. I'm so stiff and sore. It can't be morning already. Didn't I just go to bed? Seriously! it can't be morning already. I feel like crap. Did I even sleep? I don't wanna do it. Do I have to do today? (Yes!! you have to do today) *hangs head* Damn. Alright. Let's go pee and then get this shit show on the go. (sits on the edge of the bed...do I really have to do this?) Yes! you got this! Is it really morning? *big sigh* rubs sleep out of eyes and stumbles around...big stretch...OUCH that hurts (whimpers and laughs). Well...I'm hurting so I know I ain't dead yet...(that's a good thing I guess). Was the toilet seat this far down yesterday? (I'm glad I don't have to worry about checking the toilet seat...one benefit of living alone) *chuckles* What do I have to do today? (brain goes through the list) Yeah I don't wanna do that today. It can wait another day? (But the laundry is still in the basket...it needs to go away). Yeah but it's already folded so it's fine...I can leave that one too. Oh yeah the bed...it needs to be stripped. I'll do that one later. (comes down the stairs and sees kitchen...oh F*&K I have to do that today) - yep! Do I have to go anywhere today? Do I have to get a shower? Do I have to get dressed...wear a bra? (that thing is torture...why was I born a girl? I really wish I could get away without one) What can I wear that won't hurt? Is it clean? Dang! I forgot to start that load of laundry last night. Maybe I'll just stay in my comfies all day. (nah I'll find something to wear) Gotta do that load of laundry later...can't forget again. ![]() Today we believe God wants you to know that if you feel too busy, you are. Give yourself permission to be un-busy. Give yourself an hour or a day to simply be. Allow yourself the luxury of a small retreat. Allow your spirit time to be restored. Even God took a day to rest. these two precious pups live with my cousin and they have the right idea for a Sunday ![]() The Facebook page hit another milestone this morning...17,000 friends. What a wonderful surprise to wake up to. Thank you! The page is growing very quickly lately and with it too...some issues. I'd like to address some of them here today. First and foremost...please remember that this site and the Fb page too are my thoughts, my experiences and the things I did and still do today to help me manage my hurting life. I DO NOT expect that your experiences will be the same and I can respect the differences we may have...I ask that you also respect mine. I don't swear at you...so please don't swear at me. I've had to delete a few people this week because I had the immense desire to wash their mouth out with soap. I can appreciate you may not like everything I share here or on the Fb page...but do not swear at me please. And please...I'm not here to tell you how to live your life...and I won't have all the answers...I'm not a doctor. I'm just like you and I hurt too. BUT I am here to challenge your thoughts, to encourage and empower you and I hope to share a laugh as well. Learning to live with chronic pain and/or a chronic illness truly is a journey. It requires coping skills, it takes time, and it takes learning to care for our needs as we need them. We can't change that we hurt...but we can change what we do about it moving forward. Thank you for sharing the journey with me! Please take good care of you Tammy ![]() Never discourage anyone who is making continual progress no matter how slow. The quote is right but one thing it fails to say is...even if this person is yourself. Have you ever been discouraged with your own growth? with your own progress? with your own healing? Have you ever been discouraged? ![]() Evolving and bettering yourself is wonderful, but not if the set of standards and values you adopt smother you into oblivion in the process. ~~Bryant McGill~~ Picture taken in Grand Bend ON The other day I spent some time with an old college friend...we went to school together, we've worked together, and if there is one person who knows what I went through...she does. Thing is though...now she's hurting too.
While we were out and about, she complained a lot! about her pain...she has compartment syndrome and it's like her legs are being ripped apart with every step she takes...it's incredibly painful for her. While out...my friend needed many breaks to sit and to rest her legs. On our way home...she asked me...how can you not be hurting? I laughed at her and told her she was delusional if she thought I wasn't. "I'm hurting too" I assured her...but she just looked at me. But you're not complaining she said...no I'm not. And you hurt right now?...yes I do...my back is screaming at me and my hips are in spasms But you're not complaining...I'm feeling like I'm being ripped apart and I can't take this...and you're not complaining...no...I'm not ![]() Laugh out loud at life. It's good medicine for your heart and spirit. It's a way for you to say Life — I'm still standing with my head up high. Laughter strengthens the immune system and increases your capacity to cope. It has the power to heal you at the cellular level. Sometimes all you can do is to laugh, even through your tears and pain. When you're overwhelmed, laugh at your bills, your body, your kids, or at any unexpected challenge of life. This is not denying what is in your life. It's defying it! One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 4-5 hours, while one minute of laughter boosts it for over 24 hours. So try this. Make silly faces in the mirror, laugh from down deep and bring out the child in you! Find some popcorn, get a few family, friends together and allow yourself to really laugh. Interrupt your worries and choose to make yourself feel good in spite of it all. You Deserve! ~~Les Brown~~ Picture taken by my daughter Emily at Grand Bend ON beach |
Tammy...is living life with chronic pain...doing the best I can with everyday. Categories
August 2020