HA! okay so maybe the snow isn't that high here yet...but it's still snow! and it's still...
​tips, tools, and strategies
to living life with chronic pain
Here we are almost at the end of November and this is the first time I've been on the website all month...it's been awhile. To say that I needed a break is an understatement. I needed a long break...one that would let me heal not only physically, but mentally and emotionally too...I needed time.
Although my surgery was and is considered successful, I had some serious complications afterwards. From facial paralysis, to losing my sense of taste, to muscle spams and pain...oh and I can't forget the constant headaches, blurred and double vision too...I had a rough go with it. It's taken me longer than I had expected or wanted to heal, but I'm healing. I'm now down to only the headaches and the odd facial and eye spasm, and my sense of taste is still a little off too...but the main thing is...I'm healing. I've been doing a lot of sleeping, couch surfing, soaking in my tub with bubbles and anything else that will help me cope, manage, and heal. And yeah...there's been some chocolate too and even a day in the park to feed the squirrels before the snow came. |
Tammy...is living life with chronic pain...doing the best I can with everyday. Categories
August 2020