It's true! what you do for you when feeling your emotional and/or mental pain...makes a big difference! What you do for you...can either see you under your pain or it can see you through it.
What do you do for you?
When you're feeling triggered?
When you're feeling anxious?
When you're feeling depressed?
What do you do for you?
Having a plan for our feelings is big step. Learning what our triggers are, learning how to manage and to support ourselves through them...is possible. And when we learn to ground ourselves...we are learning to help ourselves.
The next time you're feeling anxious, triggered, or even your depression... give thought to what you can do for you to help you through. What keeps you present? What soothes your body? How do you talk to you? (just a few more things to consider) There are things that can and will help...I guess my question now is...will you love yourself enough to do what you need to help you through? And will you do it without leaving scars behind?
We do have a choice and it's ours to make...I just hope you choose to help yourself instead. Please...
take good care of you eh?
Meme found at HighAnxieties.org