Have you tried meditation yet? There are some exercises in meditation that do require a lot of your time...but not all of them. There are some very simple, easy and fast ways to meditate and still the get the benefits of a longer meditation exercise.
Have you tried meditation yet? For me, when I need to, I close my eyes and I picture a beach. The warmth of the sun warming my body...soothing my aches...the sounds of the surf crashing to the shore and the way the breeze tickles my skin. Keeping this image in mind and focusing on the feelings this thought invokes, my breathing slows and becomes deeper. The aches that were screaming become quieter and my body is filled with an energy that over rides the pain. There are days when I'm thinking of the beach a lot and always seem to be breathing deeply...but it does help.
Have you tried meditation yet? What thoughts soothe you? What can you picture in your mind as you focus on your breathing? What relaxes you? It's as easy as that and only takes a few minutes of your time.
Have you tried meditation yet? Will you now?