I loved food so much I loved it till I weighed 250 pounds. I'm just over 5 feet tall. Yes I am short and at that weight it was almost as easy to go over me as it was to go around me. I was almost as wide as I was tall. I'm sure you're picturing it now and I can understand the chuckle. I grew up hearing the nick names "two tonne Tessie" "fatty fatty two by four can't get through the kitchen door" and many other hurtful things in my life. From my childhood into my adult life I have battled my weight.
I had a love affair with food! A very unhealthy relationship. It was my comforter when I was sad or upset. Even my anger was soothed by food. Everything I had trouble handling was dealt with by food. I would steal food from the cupboards hiding the wrappers so I wouldn't get into trouble for eating. I was put into Weight Watchers at the age of 15 and managed to lose 50 pounds but gained it again within a few months. I gained a whole lot more too.
Making the changes in your life can be done and you are the reason. Give it some thought. What little steps can you take now in your life to help you get to where you want to be with your heath and your weight?
Little steps lead to big changes. Take the first little step for you.