Things have grown and changed here over the last year and a half and I've enjoyed it immensely! It's been fun seeing this dream become a reality bigger than I thought it would be.
I hope that by sharing the Facebook page and the website with me, you are beginning to take a different journey with your pain.
My goal for the website and FB page is to empower, support and encourage you to live life beyond your pain. To share strategies and information too. I also hope we can share a laugh as well. It's a journey through life...thank you for sharing it with me.
Please keep in mind that what you read here is my opinion only and is not meant to take the place of direct medical care from a qualified professional. I'm not a doctor...but I am just like you... human...hurting...and doing the best I can each and every day.
I also ask that you keep in mind that I am the only one here. I do not have an editor nor someone writing for me...there will be mistakes. This site is me...my thoughts...my life with pain...it's me...and I share it with you because I truly believe we are more than our pain...more than our illness...more than our past...WE ARE MORE!
Thank you for being here! I greatly appreciate all your support...take good care of you and each other...