How are you managing through the winter? Has the seasonal BLAHS and winter blues settled in? If so, there is an entry saved in the Health & Wellness category from the Mayo Clinic you may find helpful. Seasonal depression is a common part of winter for many us, but it's certainly not a comfortable one...take good care of you.
I'd also like to take the chance to say thank you! The website and the Facebook page are growing again and it truly amazes me to see how far things have come over the last year. I started doing this website a year ago this month and to be honest? I never thought I would see the year end on such an incredible high note.
The reach of the Facebook page is now in over 45 countries and this website has seen over 1200 new visitors this month alone. In the beginning when I first started collecting the stats of this site, I had no clue what to expect...I'd never blogged before and this was all something new to me. But now?...the numbers are beyond anything I ever thought possible. It truly astounds me and I'd like to say thank you!
They say when you share your story it not only encourages others to share and to heal, but it heals you too. I've learned over the past year just how true that statement is. Things are not what they were in many ways but that's okay...I've grown and changed too. Thank you for being a part of that.
I hope that by coming here and to the Fb page...you are beginning a new journey in your healing. We live with a chronic illness...and we can't change that...BUT...we can change how we live with it and it all starts with YOU...making the choice for YOU.
Thank you for being a part of my journey and for allowing me to be a part of yours. Thank you for the comments and messages left...I love hearing from you! You have been a source of encouragement, inspiration and you've made me laugh. THANK YOU! for being here. I look forward the year to come here.
I wish you only the best in your journey and I hope you take good care of yourself....please always be gentle with you.