To have moments in your life when you feel anxious is normal. A first date, first day on a new job...are normal feelings of anxiousness because it's something new and exciting. The unknown can cause us to feel a little anxious sometimes but eventually we get over it.
Then there are times for some people when it's not that easy. Anxiety rules life. Fear becomes your best friend. Even things you have done before will now make you feel anxious.
You may even avoid social gatherings. Large crowds become overwhelming to the senses. High levels of anxiety can cause us to shut down and close out the world.
When have you felt anxious? What did it feel like? Give it some thought. Give thought too to what causes you to feel anxious. What do you do to help prepare yourself for those moments or do you prepare yourself?
Feelings of anxiety and anxiousness are a normal part of life but certainly not a comfortable part of life.
When you find yourself feeling anxious, there are things you can do to help yourself. Take a look at the following examples and see if you could incorporate any into your life....
- mediation and relaxation breathing...slow deep breaths in and slow breaths out...visualize something that you find calming
- positive self scripts reminding yourself that you can handle this and that you are strong enough to face what is making you anxious...moments of anxiety is not the time to be negative with your self talk
- talking with a close friend...someone you know will listen and who will keep your confidence...often talking about what is causing the anxiety can lessen its impact as you gather support
- positive self-soothing exercises...practice the exercises that you find soothing and calming for your needs....soothe your senses, calm your body, and settle your mind
Remember too okay that this is not the time to beat yourself up...this is not the time! This is the time for you to love support yourself...and to care for you!
Uncontrolled anxiety can lead to other concerns such as depression, substance abuse, and even self-abusive behaviours. I would encourage you deal with your feelings of anxiety in a positive and healthy manner and if you feel that your anxiety is taking control, please speak with your doctor or health care professional. There is help out there and there are also confidential crisis lines you can reach out to for help when you are struggling, alone, or just need someone to talk to.
Life with chronic pain is not only a physical pain, it's an emotional one too. Learn to care and nurture your emotions as you are learning to care for your pain.
Take good care of you ok?