This has become the norm here and like all other Friday's... I have some questions for you.
- What will you do this weekend to help you relax after a long week?
- What can you do to help you prepare for and manage your pain so you can be as active as you can be?
- What will you do this weekend to live beyond your pain?
- What will you do to soothe yourself when you do feel your pain?
If this is a weekend to be spent soothing yourself...take it! soothe your needs...emotionally, mentally and physically....soothe yourself and care for your needs. This is one healthy healing goal well within your abilities to give yourself...please do. Consider too a rockin' F&%K the World party and let it all go.
Our pain is now a part of who we are but it's not all that we are. We still have a life to live and it's up to us to live it to the best of our abilities doing what we can when we can. Please understand too that getting active in your life isn't always about being physically's also about being mentally present with those you share your life with. It's about spending quality time with each other talking, watching a movie, playing games, cooking a meal, or even just cuddling.
Get as active in your life as you possibly can. It truly is a feel good thing we can do for ourselves and those we share our lives with.
take good care of you okay? and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
thanks to SmartAssy2 on Facebook for the pic