If you struggle to fill something as big as life, it will swallow you. We feel we need to prove ourselves, our worth and purpose. The infinite already knows your purpose and is the author of your purpose. Your perfect unfolding is the same as every other living and non-living thing which exists — it is your unstoppable nature.
At one time or another, we all try to please everyone, be smart or pretty, keep it all together and do everything perfectly. We see life as having expectations that we must hurl ourselves at and we believe that we must not fail. Through our expectations, we violently expand and try to fill the world with our proofs of worth. Desperately expanding outward to fill the world is like an explosion where we disperse and lose ourselves. When we are quiet and still we contract and settle. Relax. You do not need to prove yourself.
"Spirituality is a journey inward that connects the Self to yourself. When you know who you are from the inside out, when you do what you sense is right for you, when your thoughts lead you to actions that serve others as well as make you feel good, then you have encountered spirituality."
— Iyanla Vanzant
"Nothing has to happen immediately, this minute, or right now. It's okay to pause for just a moment. Just take a breath. Then go quietly inside. Ask life itself to lead you to your best outcome. There's nothing you have to do, really, except get out of your own way."
— Neale Donald Walsch
The world's only lessons are tension and fear — relax into yourself. Take your lessons from nature. Let quietness instruct you. If you pay attention and listen to quietness, you will notice a nearly imperceptible thread of consciousness, like a quiet hum or perception of time. We have all noticed this feeling when we have been alone in nature, with only the wind in our ears. This thread of awareness exists in another time-pace and smoothly, effortlessly and peacefully advances — unaware of the surface tensions in your responsive mind. This calm thread of awareness is witnessing the gentle unfolding of your perfect self. When you commune with your ever-present inner calm, you are released from the madness and pain of all outer turmoil. Your unstoppable nature is becoming and blooming — you simply, are. Go easy. Don't search for your purpose. You are not defining your purpose — your purpose is defining you. You are unfolding with profound purpose; your purpose is revealing you, to yourself.
Run to yourself. Life is so big. Do not try to fill it. Instead, expand within. You are enough for you.
Bryant McGill