There are lots of things in life that can leave us feeling a little "less"...a little knocked down and tossed around. Sometimes, it's from the words we hear from others and at other times, it's from the words we've used when talking to ourselves.
It's natural and normal some days to feel bad about being you and what life has brought...struggling to like yourself or to feel your own worth...it's a human thing...and sadly...it's a human thing too to struggle to get it back.
How healthy is your self-esteem? Could it use a little boosting? I know mine can some days. I can admit it...can you?
Take a look at the meme...are there things on the list you can do to help improve how you feel about you, your life and your abilities?
The first step I think to rebuilding a healthy self-esteem, is the way we talk to ourselves. How do you talk to you? What words do you use? How do you feel after a good talk with yourself? Do you feel beaten or empowered? Loved or torn apart? Challenged or conquered? The words you use when talking to yourself needs to be positive, loving, encouraging and supportive. We can make this choice for us and once we do, it makes the other steps easier to take. Why? because then we believe we deserve it. And you know what? We do! YES YOU DO!
But if we don't think we're worth it, strong enough, good enough and all the other "enough" words...we will continue to struggle with this. Our value and worth can't be given to us by others in our lives...that is something we need to give to ourselves. How will you start to rebuild your self-esteem? and will you start?
take good care of you please...your self-esteem needs you
thank you HealthyPlace.com