What is it about that one thing that scares you? Why does it have a hold on you?
Ask yourself...is your fear real or imagined?
Questioning why we're afraid of something can lead us to see that what we fear isn't that bad after all.
Often what we fear has been built up in our minds and isn't as bad as we make it out to be. We can be our own worst enemy when we live by our fears and we can cripple ourselves from moving forward.
Do one thing every day that scares you! I dare ya!
Fear is a normal feeling in life but you can't live by your fears. Facing your fears will give you a strength unlike any other. When you face your fears, you are taking back control within your life. Your pain will always be with you so don't fear it. Live it! Control it! Mastering our fears is a challenge I know, but there are no limits to what you're capable of once you've faced your fears.
Fear will continue to have a hold on your life until you can face your fears. You can do it. Do one thing everyday that defies your fears. Live for you and not what makes you scared.
take good care of you and kick your fears in the butt...you can do it!