Yesterday I posted a pity party entry and I'll be honest, that's not what I call mine when I need to have one. For me they are called "F&$K the world" days. I only called them pity parties because that was the gentlest term I could come up with and I didn't want to offend anyone.
"Pity party" is just a nice way of saying you're feeling sorry for yourself. But the truth is there can also be days when that feeling goes beyond just simply feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes it gets to the point where you are tired of following the rules, jumping hurdles and knocking down barriers only to be felled flat on your ass by the powers that be. Your efforts appear to be for not because there are just too many "rules" and you're feeling frustrated to say the least.
Ever have one of those days where no matter what you do, how hard you try, no matter what barriers you climb, what you seek is always just out of your reach? Well on those days I like to say F&$K the world. Take the time to regroup your thoughts. Gather your strength. And go at it again. And again. And again. Because the more you chip away at the barriers that the world throws in front of you the smaller they become and the stronger you become.
When we get knocked on our backside as life will do to us, we can either stay down or get up and try again. It may take a few days of telling the world where to go and how to get there before you decide to join in again...take your time. Come back again with confidence and your head held high. The world may knock you down again but each time you get up you are stronger than you were when you fell. REMEMBER THAT!
Falling is a part of life and telling the world to go screw itself is too...just get back up again okay? You never know which chip you make in your barriers will be the one that finally sees it crack open and no longer a barrier.
get up...try again...and take good care of you...and throw yourself a F&$K the world'll feel better