When we do that we're chasing a rabbit down a hole. The rabbit, being our negative thoughts, runs fast and far. Before you know it, you're deep in the hole of your thoughts and emotions and you can't find your way out. It's a terrible feeling really. Like you're out of control, you don't know who you are or where you're going any more. All you know is that you feel lost, scared and even confused.
Have you noticed this in your life too? Do you go further into the hole with your thoughts? It's easy to do sometimes isn't it? When we're feeling really negative we're often reminded of all the other moments in our lives when we've felt the same feelings before. Just like when we cry for the pain we're feeling, it's often for all the pain we've ever felt. But what do you do to get out of your "rabbit hole" when you're ready? What helps you to break the negativity of your thoughts and your emotions?
What do you do when you're chasing your negative thoughts down the rabbit hole? What can you do in the future to make it a shorter trip?
- Remind yourself of all the good that is in your life...all the memories that make you smile and laugh all over again.
- Surround yourself with the people who make you laugh and enjoy life
- Remember that each day is a new opportunity to try again
- Nurture and care for your emotional and mental needs
- Understand why you're feeling the way you are...our feelings have less control when we can understand the "why" and we're able to make changes to how the "why" occurs
- Forgive yourself...yes you may have made mistakes but you know what? YOU'RE HUMAN! I hate to break to ya but you are and as such you will make mistakes...be human enough to forgive yourself when you do
- Forgive others for their mistakes too...why? hint...they're human too
- Negative things happen in life but we have the control for how we will respond and react to what happens. Be positive even when the world brings you a negative...know you're strong enough.
Life happens, even the bad stuff too, but we have a choice. We can choose to chase our negative thoughts or we can choose to change them into ones that are more positive and less toxic to our lives.
Are you done chasing your rabbit yet?