Many will start travelling soon and others are waiting for family to arrive. If you're travelling...drive safe please. It's a reminder that shouldn't need to be repeated but I'll do it anyway....Please don't drink and drive...you're needed alive.
I hope you enjoy your family and friends...the memories and the laughter...and don't forget the hugs! Let them know how much you love them and how important they are to you and in your life. To me...that's the best part of any gathering. Enjoy yours!
As you gather this week...may you take the time to remember the laughter of years past and I hope the memories you make this year will keep you in smiles for years to come. Gatherings can be stressful at times too, so don't forget to bring along some portable coping skills to help when needed. Focus on the good, the laughter and the memories...breathe.
Remember too not everyone has a large family to spend time with so if you have someone in your life who will be spending a lot of time alone over the holiday...don't forget to invite them along or to stop in and see them for a bit. A phone call does wonders some days too...just to hear a voice. Be that voice for someone this year.
The holidays are can be an emotional time for some people and if you're like me and it's that time for you...please...don't get lost in it this year. Be aware of how you're feeling and soothe your needs... emotionally, mentally and physically...take care of yourself as you need when you need and do it without leaving scars behind.
take good care of you and each other please...wishing you all only the best for your holiday season and for the week to come