Autogenic Relaxation exercises are recorded relaxation scripts. With the use of Autogenic Relaxation, you are guided to relax your whole body by imagining that each part of your body is warm and heavy.
Pain is not only physical, it's emotional too. The use of relaxation techniques is a double benefit for us. It allows us to calm the emotional responses to our pain and our thoughts, while aiding us in calming the rage in our bodies.
There are different CD's available with the scripts already pre-recorded. The following is an Autogenic script you can record yourself, or have someone record for you, if you find their voice soothing to you. The most important thing with this exercise is to focus on your breathing.
This guided autogenic relaxation script guides you to relax your whole body by imagining that each part of your body is warm and heavy.
Use this script to record your own relaxation audio or learn to relax.
Begin reading the relaxation script here:
Find a comfortable position to sit or lie down. Autogenic relaxation is an effective relaxation technique that will allow you to relax your body and calm your mind.
Begin by breathing deeply, drawing air in...deep into your lungs...and releasing the breath slowly...
Breathe in...2...3...4...
Continue taking slow, regular breaths.
Now turn your attention to your right hand. Feel the skin on the palm of your right hand becoming warm and relaxed. Feel the warmth in each finger....and on your palm...spreading to the back of your your wrist...
Feel your right arm becoming warm...
Your right arm is starting to feel very heavy....very heavy, and very relaxed
Your right arm is warm, heavy, and relaxed.
Now focus on your left hand. Picture placing your hand into soothing water. Feel the warmth relaxing your hand completely. Allow your wrist to enter the warm calming water....and relax. Your arm is becoming heavy. Allow your left arm to sink into the warm water. Your left arm feels warm, heavy and relaxed.
Now turn your attention to your legs. Feel your legs becoming warm. Feel the warmth spreading all the way from your your ankles...lower legs...knees....and hips. Feel your legs becoming heavy....very heavy, and very relaxed.
Your legs are warm...heavy...and relaxed...
Imagine a warm breeze blowing across your face...feel your face and head relaxing...your eyelids are very heavy...
Continue the autogenic relaxation...
Picture the sun shining down on you...warming the front of your body...allow your chest and stomach to relax in this warmth...feel the sun shining...warming your skin...relaxing your your body is filled with heavy, warm, pleasant relaxation.
Now imagine sitting with your back to a pleasant campfire. Feel the warmth of the fire on your back. Feel your back warming and relaxing...the warmth spreads all the way from your your shoulders...your upper back...middle and lower your body is filled with heavy, warm pleasant relaxation.
Feel the heaviness in your entire body...your body is warm...heavy...and relaxed...
Enjoy this calm, relaxed feeling.
Notice your smooth, even breathing...relaxed and deep...drawing you even deeper into relaxation...
Your body feels very heavy...warm...and relaxed...
Enjoy the autogenic relaxation for a few more moments...
Now slowly begin to bring your attention back to the present...keeping your eyes closed...notice the room around you...notice the surface that you are lying or sitting on...hear the sounds in your environment...
Gently start to reawaken your body...wiggle your fingers and toes...move your arms and legs a little...stretch if you like...
When you are ready, open your eyes...and become fully alert.