When you feel guilty for accepting my help, it diminishes the joy I get when I help you.
BOOM! I never thought of it that way. Did you?
But you know what? the more I thought about it...the more I couldn't deny it. I know I have felt joy and even other good feelings too when I've been able to help someone, to make a difference in their lives...it feels good.
Have you ever noticed that when you're helping others, it can even help you to feel alive again, to feel worthwhile, or even to be needed. When you've been able to help someone...what did that feel like for you?
Now imagine the person you helped telling you or even crying to you how guilty they feel for even needing help? It kinda takes the shine of things doesn't it? yes it does.
And I realized something else...
To accept help? well that doesn't make me any "less" of a person. To know that others see me struggling and want to help? well that doesn't make me "less" either! nope! and to know that others are there to help me and to even pick me up? well...that still doesn't make me "less".
Do you know what that does make me/you/us though? it makes you loved. It makes you special. It means that you have people who are there for you and are just waiting for you to ask them in.
I can appreciate where those guilty feelings come from I really can...but I hope now too you can see where "they" are coming from.
Don't feel guilty...feel loved.
Don't feel like a bother...feel loved.
Feel loved...because you are and they're trying to tell you that by helping you when and how they can.
Remember that you are only human and as such, you're going to need help sometimes...so take it! and when you see others needing help? well...that's when you can give it back and you can know how good it feels.
take good care of you and each other....let go of the guilt and let's help one another....deal?