For many, this list is all too familiar...but unless you live with this may not understand. It's hard to imagine and even to comprehend what a life with this would be like.
Chronic fatigue is a fatigue that goes beyond simply being tired. Sleep is supposed to be restorative and restful...and we're supposed to wake up feeling refreshed and invigorated...but with chronic fatigue? that rarely ever happens.
We may often joke about how bad our memory is getting but really? it can be scary at times. To walk into a room and not remember why. To not be able to remember even the simple things like words, or dates, or even what's something is called or how to spell a word. What did you say earlier? What's your name again? We had plans today? I forgot.
With chronic fatigue, our bodies are often just so tired that every part of us hurts...we're worn out...feeling like we've been hit by a MAC truck. Muscles ache, heads hurt...our bodies are beyond hurting...and the one thing we need to help...we can't seem to get...Sleep! or at least the restful and restorative kind.
am I eating regularly?
am I exercising?
am I avoiding caffeine and alcohol?
have I quit smoking yet?
am I drinking plenty of water?
how is my stress level lately?
what am I doing to help me?
When you take a look at the would you answer the questions?
If you're feeling fatigued and it's the kind of tired that even sleep won't fix...what do you do? how do you help yourself? here are a few things to think about....
- visualization for relaxation and mindful meditation can do a tired and hurting body a world of good...close your eyes and picture a soothing image (for me it's the beach) take the time to remember the sights, the sounds, the smells, picture yourself there and allow your body to relax...mind your breathing okay?!
- yoga, tai-chi are other gentle exercises you can do to help relax your body...have you tried them? even a good walk can help
- journal your feelings and your thoughts too...but don't believe everything you think!
- write yourself little notes to jog your memory, keep a calendar, use the planner on your phone...keep notes!
- sometimes when we're tired, we can be "short" with ourselves and with mindful of how you're feeling and how you're behaving too okay? it's not their fault you're hurting and it's not yours either...use your words gently
- even if you can't sleep...stretch out! relax your body, relax your mind, focus on your breathing
- be mindful of the thoughts you're keeping and how you're talking to yourself - do not beat yourself up for feeling this way - do not put yourself down - just be nice to you okay? and be supportive too! you need your help
- check out nature...go for a walk, see the beach, listen to the birds...get out and get some fresh air
- have you ever tried those CD's that have the sounds of a rain-forest? what about the whales and dolphins? or even a thunderstorm?
- NAP!! I seriously wish there was a roll-over plan for all the childhood naps I refused as a child. If your body is when your body needs it.
Sometimes this can be a "cycle" meaning it will end and we'll sleep better again...but sometimes it's not and we don' we have to do what we can to help ourselves through it. If your tired is the kind of tired sleep won't fix...what are you doing to help yourself? What can you do differently moving forward? We may not get the sleep we need...but there are things we can to help ourselves when struggling with this. Please take the time to find what works for you and as always...
take good care of you and your fatigue too
meme found at WellWisdom