If you live with fibro, you've probably already experienced these issues within your life. I think even if your diagnosis is different from fibro, you may be impacted in similar ways. Only you know if you are.
But if you are experiencing these issues...may I ask how you're handling them?
Do you prefer solitude and avoid crowds when possible? Do you become easily overwhelmed? Confused? Anxious? Does this then make you want to stay at home more? Do you fear becoming agoraphobic or do you already panic at the thought of leaving your home? Are you depressed?
Have you ever over reacted in anger or out of fear and then felt guilty? Do people tell you that you are "overly sensitive".
Are you?
Picture taken from Dear Fibromyalgia
- have positive coping skills you can draw from when feeling over-whelmed, scared or anxious...what soothes you? what makes you smile? calming breathing techniques?
- be gentle with yourself when you're experiencing these "symptoms" - do not beat yourself up verbally or physically...talk to yourself lovingly, encouragingly...with patience and care
- ask your support system for help and be very clear about what help you need
- be aware of your triggers and have a plan for dealing with them that will bring you down safely without harming yourself or those around you
- some people find benefit in talk therapy...having someone to talk to that is not a part of your life can be invaluable
- music and art therapy are feel good things that help to express and release emotions
- get some rest...even if you can't sleep right now...rest...relax
- practice mindful meditation, visualization, yoga or other calming exercises
- take your medication(s) as prescribed....medications work best when used properly and as directed...you may wish to speak to your doctor about your medication dosages or even a different medication
- eat well and get your exercise...what we eat and our exercise is the most underutilized way to improve our lives and our moods
These are just a few ideas to get you started....you know you better than anyone else...you know what soothes you...you know what your needs are....I only ask that you attend to them.
If you're living with something other than fibro...give thought to your own diagnosis....what do your "symptoms" look like? What can you do to plan for them so they have less impact on your life? There are things you can do to help yourself manage your "symptoms" when you feel them...will you do them for you?
take good care of you