~~Daniell Koepke~~
What do you think of the above quote? Do you agree with it?
Pain can make our lives difficult to live and be active in. Often people will give up on the things they enjoy because of the pain they experience. Think of your life....you know your life better than anyone else. Have you given up on things you once enjoyed because of your pain? Do you avoid living your life in an attempt to avoid feeling more pain? Only you know the answers.
Don't give up on the what you enjoy because of your pain. Let go of the negative and enjoy your life in-spite of your pain. Don't give up! Let it go. Let go of what you cannot change. Let go of what is holding you back. Just let it go. You don't have to give up your life because of pain. Pain wins if you do that. You are stronger than your pain and you will survive this too.
Let go of what you can't do and grab a hold of what you can do. Focus on your abilities and watch them grow as you challenge your life. Will you give up or will you let go?
take good care of you