Personally for me...this theory has been very helpful in creating a visual explanation to explain what it's like to live a pained hurting life and what it takes out of us daily.
Each day we start off with a limited number of spoons and each activity we participate in costs us some spoons. The cost (meaning number of spoons required) is varied based on the physical demands of the activity...and it may even change from day to day...but...the point is...everything we do has a cost and when we've used up our spoons for the day...we're done.
Give thought to your day...what do you do? Write down your typical daily activities and write down too how many spoons that activity costs you.
A typical day looks like the one on the left here but not everyone works outside of the home...some of us work within it. If you work from home...well you get to count spoons too.
And don't forget to add in the travel to and from doctors appointments too okay? and the waiting at a cost of 2 spoons to travel and two spoons for the waiting.
Although it's not added in on the left...exercise comes at a cost too and it usually costs 2-3 spoons based on the activity.
And the picture also doesn't cover the social spoons we spend on a daily basis. Answering or making a stressful phone call can cost a few spoons too. Spending time with friends, or going out for lunch or even to the movies...that costs spoons also so don't forget to add in your social spoons when doing your count. Now please keep in mind that the spoons depicted are just an example and something to consider. You set the spoon levels for you and your life and you can assign them as you see fit.
When I give thought to how some of my days are spent...I know 20 spoons are not enough to get me through and I've often had to "borrow" spoons from "tomorrow". How do you spend your days? How many spoons do you use to get through your days? How do you manage your spoons so you can do all the things you want in your day?
This activity is a good visual for us too and it helps us to manage our days and to stay within our limits of our pain. When the spoons are gone so is our energy too most days....ever notice that? So when your spoons are gone please take the time you need for you and do what you need to care for you.
from one spoonie to another...take good care of you okay?