Sometimes I think back to how I've acted and the things I've done and I'm not always proud of it but my mom was always there....always supporting me...always guiding me and always giving my ass a good kick when it needed it.
THANK YOU! thank you for not giving up on me even when I was careless and hurt your feelings. Thank you for crying with me those nights when a boy broke my heart, thank you for cheering me on when chasing a dream, thank you for making me laugh so hard I peed my pants! For letting me crawl and put my head in your lap as you rubbed my back and soothed my hurts. Thank you for helping me raise my daughter. There is so much to say thank you for Mom....Thank you for being you....THANK YOU! and know please how sorry I am for the hurt I gave you. I was careless and reckless but you were always there for me.
Now I'm not saying we've always gotten along or always saw things the same way...we haven't...but no matter what happened or what difference of opinions we may have had...I have always known my mom is in my corner supporting me and cheering me on through life. And for that I cannot say thank you enough Mom!!
I could write a small book on all the things I learned from my Mom...some of it is here in the website already...little bits of wisdom said throughout the years...I listened and I heard you Mom and thank you for never letting me go!
You are my friend as well as my Mom and I am so thankful for you! Happy Birthday!
Love you